Dental phobia is a serious condition that causes a patient to panic and feel extreme unease. Many people suffer from it. In fact, in America alone, between 9% to 20% of the population avoid visiting the dentist regularly due to dental phobia.

If you are experiencing discomfort at the thought of undergoing dental procedures, you can always talk to a dentist in Greenville, SC. An article on MedicineNet details what you should do to cope with dental anxiety:

Easing Dental Phobia in Adults


The key to coping with dental anxiety is to discuss your fears with your dentist. Once your dentist knows what your fears are, he or she will be better able to work with you to determine the best ways to make you less anxious and more comfortable.

If lack of control is one of your main stressors, actively participating in a discussion with your dentist about your own treatment can ease your tension. Ask your dentist to explain what’s happening at every stage of the procedure. This way you can mentally prepare for what’s to come. Another helpful strategy is to establish a signal – such as raising your hand – when you want the dentist to immediately stop. Use this signal whenever you are uncomfortable, need to rinse your mouth, or simply need to catch your breath.

Note that dental anxiety and phobia are caused by a multitude of reasons. Here are the most common:

  • Pain– fear of pain is most common in adults 24 years and older. Most people cite past negative dental experiences as the reason for their fear.
  • Embarrassment– people who are self-conscious about their teeth may feel ashamed of having a stranger looking at them closely.
  • Fear of injections and other dental instruments– some people fear sharply pointed objects, injections or needles which can be troublesome during dental procedures.
  • Helplessness– patients may feel vulnerable and unable to control what happens to them when they are sitting in a dental chair.
  • Bad experiences– 80% – 85% of dental phobias are caused by bad experiences like painful dental visits and humiliation.
  • Side effects of dental anesthesia– it is common for patients to fear side effects brought about by anesthesia like nausea, vomiting, and sore throat.

Luckily, there are ways to help you overcome your dental anxieties and phobias thanks to advancements in technology and medicine. With the help of Greenville, SC dentists like those from Falls Park Dentistry, you can undergo dental procedures safely and at complete ease. Trust them to guide you on your way to better dental health.

 (Source: Dental: Easing Dental Phobia in Adults (cont.), MedicineNet)