Maintaining oral health via brushing and flossing isn’t just a daytime task, because your mouth needs care and protection at night too. Oral care at night is imperative because while you’re asleep, the bacteria in the mouth tend to increase when you are not swallowing. If you and your family don’t practice proper oral hygiene before going to bed, the chances of developing dental issues or gum diseases and that dreaded morning breath are significantly increased.

Nighttime Oral Care

Basically, there are three key steps to nighttime oral care—brushing, mouthwash, and flossing in no specific order. The idea stems from making sure there are no leftover food particles in your mouth for bacteria to feed off on and breakdown throughout the night. As long you are able to accomplish these steps, the order of how you carry them out doesn’t really matter.

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), the proper brushing method is to gently brush back and forth at a 45 degree angle. Brushing at night, depending on your family’s preference and susceptibility to dental diseases, could be done immediately after supper or just before bedtime.

Flossing is important because it enables you to clean between teeth that regular brushing alone cannot fully achieve. This is also necessary because it helps remove plaque while it’s still soft. Once it hardens, removing it may already require the use of specialized services.

Finally, a good old swish and swash with a mouthwash will help maintain fresh breath and protect your gums. That’s it! You’re done with the primary steps—but not at all done with maintaining dental care at night.

Good oral health goes beyond flossing and brushing, because the mouth is made up of more than just teeth and gums. The optimum health of your tongue, salivary glands, upper and lower jaw must also be maintained. If you have a habit of foregoing your family dental appointments in Greenville, SC or elsewhere until something “serious” goes wrong, you and your family could be missing out on a lot of necessary professional attention.

For example, due to excessive bacteria, calcium stones could buildup in salivary glands and keep them from producing saliva. Your mouth needs saliva for a variety of purposes, but without regular checkups, you could be oblivious to the budding problem until the situation gets bad.

To help prevent possible complications in your dental and oral health, be sure to schedule regular visits and examinations with a trusted dental practice in Greenville, SC. Go for those that also specialize in family dentistry like Falls Park Dentistry. That way, your family’s oral health concerns could be checked out and addressed without delay.


American Dental Association Statement on Regular Brushing and Flossing to Help Prevent Oral Infections, American Dental Association

Beyond Teeth: What’s Inside Your Mouth, Everyday Health

A Guide to Nighttime Oral Care, Everyday Health